Monday, August 8, 2011

Back on the road!

we left home and intended to meet to breakfast in faribault but the cafe was closed on mondays. dag nabbit. off to country kitchen we go.... and we ate.... and then it was revealed that one of us had forgotten our passport. since we were close to home we went and got it. ok... 1pm and we were able to leave the metro.

our intent was to stop by little thors house in tracy on the way, but because of the late start, that is where we stopped. eager for a walk we strolled the mile to the caboose for some burgers only to find they were closed on mondays. not hungry for subway and eager to try a new place in town, we walked another mile to thelma and louis who had a hamburger bar. i think it was thelma who served us... about 90 years old. burgers were good, washed down with fat tire and sam adams.

after dinner picked up a case ot fat tire and made our way back to thors little furnitureless house and made a table out of sidecases and shelving and played cards for a few hours before hitting the sack.

sorry about all lower fase... screwey sorry about the lack of puntuation etc... but this weboage doenst allow or

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