Thursday, May 19, 2011

Judgement Day 2011

Oh the world is going to be a better place on Sunday!

On Saturday all the righteous will be lifted from Earth and brought to heaven to play harps and flutes ... and leave the planet for the rest of us. The evangelical republican presidential candidates will be removed, and so will the ardent supporters who force the GOP to cater to the religious nutjobs.

On Sunday we will awake to find the GOP searching for a new identity ... one which eschews dogma for common sense, and seeks to minimize the role of government when private industry is able and willing, and leave us to live our lives as we see fit, without the need for excessive taxation or intrusion into our bedrooms.

But there is an alternative ... we may wake up to find all the wierdos (including Harold Camping) are still here. That might mean that Harold Camping was wrong, but we'd know for sure by whether Jesus was walking around.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see .... if anything, Harold has done a great job building a tautological case for the rapture. And if he's right ... I'll take my severance and ride all summer!