Saturday, August 7, 2010

Glacier National Park

I was surprised that there wasn't any ice on my tent in the morning. It was 41f though... At least the sky was clear, wIth a little fog in the valley.
We were going hiking today, and that means food and bear spray. I have a small canister of pepper spray.... at home. After breakfast at the Park Cafe we checked out the spray at the store outside the park, but for $60 we passed on it.
The shuttle took us to the Piegan Pass trailhead, which we took to the Siyeh pass cutoff and continued down to the Sunrift Gorge trailhead. For 4.6 miles the trail climbed 2400 feet out of a valley, above the treeline, and up to a rocky outcropping with magnificent views of a second, northen valley.
From there the trail dropped 3400 feet for 5.7 miles into another valley.

These 10.3 miles are the furthest I have ever hiked - it wasn't easy but somehow I managed to keep up the hiking machine that runs on acorns and a marathon runner who eats ten miles for breakfast.

On our walk back to our camp we stopped by our friends for a beer, heated some soup, and hit the sack.

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