Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is my governor an idiot?

Judge for yourselves. He made the following statement:

"Once again, the Republicans just simply can't help themselves at providing the richest Minnesotans with more benefits than they provide to middle-income families, working families."

Mark Dayton seems to be unaware that when taxes are cut, those who pay taxes will pay fewer taxes. Likewise, those who don't pay taxes ... well, they still don't pay taxes. Leave it to NPR (where I heard it this morning) to let this get by without applying their significant critical thinking skills.

Futhermore, note the implication that letting someone keep more of the money they earned is a "benefit". This appears to be Newspeak, much like when spending increases on government programs are less than expected, they call it a "cut". For example, if the department of XZY expects an 11% increase in the next budget, but they only get a 5% increase ... gee, that's a "6% reduction". Any reporter worth their salt should point out XZY is getting an increase in their budget.

Perhaps this mentality is a reflection similar to when Michael Moore recently claimed that money is a national resource and should be distributed. Or when union acitivists educated us that we don't have a right to our money ??? Do these people have brain tumors??

I'm not suggesting that the GOP's budget proposal is a good idea ... Yes, they are cutting spending, but they are also cutting taxes at a time when our state needs the revenue. They claim that will "stimulate jobs" but really ... can you find a single "wealthy" Minnesotan who, with $200 more in their pocket at the end of the year, is going to create any more jobs? This is a symbolic effort, at best. They seem to think that state finances operate like "family finances" (not even going to waste time on that).

Let's look at what we had the past two years:
A DFL-controlled legislature and a GOP governor who refused to work together
What do we have now?
A GOP-controlled legislature and a DFL governor who refuse to work together
Great. Just bloody great.

I know I can't be the only person who thinks Mark Dayton is about to puke (if he hasn't already) whenever he is talking.

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