Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bearded Lady Motorcycle Freakshow

On Saturday we rode to northeast Minneapolis to see the Bearded Lady Motorcycle Freakshow. In addition to the "Ducati Hottie" pictured above, there were quite a few ladies with beards and bearded men wearing dresses. And, of course, motorcycles. Not the boring functional types we ride, but those which exist purely as a reflection of their owner's (sometimes nutty) vision.

For example, this one. It is a Yamaha parallel twin in a chopper frame with a custom-painted gas tank just barely enough to make to the next gas station.

The green bike above (and again below) was interesting. It was basically a bicycle with a motor, in both a civilian and military version.

That's Bill standing behind it, for a sense of scale.

This on was interesting, if not colorful. No clue what sort of motor it is (beyond a 4-cylinder) but check out the turbocharger!

Someone decided putting a pig fetus in a jar is "art". Especially if they added tattoos.

Another oddity - a German "Condor". Never heard of it.

More than half the fun was watching the crowd, like this character on stilts. Not sure what he was attempting to portray.

An old Indian!

A Honda CBX, six cylinders with three exhausts on each side. Very unique exhaust note -like a pimped out vacuum cleaner.

A scooter covered in ... beef hide!

What did I say about the characters here?

The MowerCycle!

The End(s) !!

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