Thursday, May 16, 2013

In case you hadn't heard....

... marriage in Minnesota will be extended to same sex couples, starting in August.

Legally, the ability to enter a "civil marriage" will be allowed for two consenting adults. They will have the same rights and responsibilities as traditional marriages, and religious organizations may continue to restrict whom they choose to wed, and they are protected from being fined (not sure what that is about, probably some arcane government thing, but I suspect it has something to do with discrimination and receiving my tax dollars).

Contrary to the fears expressed by some in the debates leading up to this:
  • Children may not be married to adults
  • A person may not have multiple wives or husbands
  • You are still not allowed to marry your dog or your brother or your lawn mower
  • My marriage will be just as strong in August as it is today
What I find interesting is that this issue is almost a litmus test to determine if a conservative lawmaker falls into either of these categories:
  • For smaller government, with less intrusions into private life, allowing individuals to make decisions as they see fit
  • For smaller government, allowing organized religion to dictate individual behaviorvia legislation
How did my representatives vote?

In the house, Tim Kelly (R) voted against it. In the past he has voted against the marriage ammendment (which codified that only a man and a woman may marry) and he introduced legislation to make a "civil union" legally the same as "marriage". Considering this, I am somewhat perplexed that he voted against the "civil marriage" law. Perhaps there is a political nuance that I missed. I still agree with him more than I disagree with him, but his opponent in the next election will get a little more consideration.

Senator Matt Schmit (D) voted for the Civil Marriage law. Other than this, I don't know much about him or his voting record - his web page is blank, and all I have received is election cycle propaganda that he supports "working families" and unions (presumeably at the expense of us who got college degrees and don't perform hard labor).  His record on gun rights is unknown. At least I can give him credit for this one vote.

Here are the links if you'd like to read more:

Ok. Time to move on  to the next issue. Like why our governor wants to raise taxes when we have a surplus. More wierd stuff.

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